Friday, May 8, 2009

Logan is a BIG BOY!!!

Well Logan is 2!! I think he has a pretty cool birthdate too. 05-06-07. He had a "Bob the Builder" party. We had his friends come play at the park with him and eat a brown paper bag lunch with him. Complete with a "bulldozer" peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He thought that was a great day and even blew out his candles.(He had been practicing since Levi's birthday.) Thanks to everyone who came and made it a special day.

Some of the big boy things he is doing at 2 that I have just noticed in the couple weeks are.........
He can have a full conversation with you. (if he is in the mood that is)
He learned how to pedal a bike.
He can say his full name. (Lodan Danner Tufild)
If you ask how old he is, he holds up his 2 pointer fingers and says 2!
He is getting really good at using the potty. Wahhh Hooo.
Happy Birthday little Logan. We all love you very much and hope you had a great day!


Amy said...

Put that boy down lady!! You know better than that!

Looks like you had fun - what a cutie!


Cute party! I love having parties for the're looking really good too! How are you feeling?

Sopha said...

I'm jealous, very jealous. I want to be up in that lovely weather. And tell logan that, "I wanted to go" to his party! hah

Sopha said...

p.s. you look so cute.