Thursday, August 6, 2009

First day of school

So the kids headed off to school this morning. Malarie went to 4th grade and Levi went to 1st grade. Dusty took them to meet their teachers last night and said both teachers seemed nice. He scheduled a meeting this morning so since I was feeling pretty good I got to take them. It has been 17 days since I have driven anywhere so it was kinda nice to feel like I had some freedom. I figured I would be able to meet their teachers but to my suprise neither one of them wanted me to walk them to their classes. It really stinks when your kids get older and are so independent!!!Logan cried when we dropped them off. He kept saying,"Go to school with bubba and sissy!" I felt bad. He misses them when they go to school. But soon enough he will have a new buddy here to play with while they are gone. Which leads me to the next subject. I am sure you are wondering why I am at home blogging instead of giving birth. Well simple really. After we did the amnio the results came back that his lungs just aren't mature enough yet. So here I am still pregnant. Don't know any new plans yet but will update when I do. Here are my cute kids on their first day of school.

1 comment:

Sopha said...

Are you sure thats not dusty in the white shirt?? Holy cow!! and Mals looks so cute---did she pick out her outfit or you? haha
I miss logie-
And linkin is being naughty!