Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Linkin Trent Tuckfield
He decided to arrive on August 15,2009 @ 10:07pm.
6 lbs 11 oz 19 inches long


Heidi Joncas said...

Congrats! He is so tiny and handsome!


What a cutie! Seriously, he is cute...and you can't say that about everyone! He's a little guy too...CONGRATULATIONS!

Samantha said...

I can't wait to meet him Raine!! Congrats!!!

vicki said...

He's so cute! He definately looks like your other cute kids!
I hope you are feeling o.k.
Did you have him c section?
I can't wait to hold him!

Dawn Hancock said...

Congratulations, what a little cutie. I bet you feel so much better. Good luck with your new little blessing.

The McLaws Family said...

Just found your blog through Christine's. Congratulations!

You have a beautiful family!

The McLaws Family said...
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Sopha said...

Yes he is definitly one the the cutest grandkid babies...he is up with mals and hayden haha.
I miss him but I am so glad I made it up there to see him, and MY son logan. Hope everything is going well for you and your big hooters. BAHAHA!

1smartfamily said...

Congradulations Tuckfields!! I love seeing new babies!! I would have 4 more kids if I could just skip everything and go to the day I have them! It is the sweetest experience!! I don't think there is anythingthat compares to it!! I am happy for you guys! He is so cute, and I love the name!!

Summer said...

Luv the Linkin hat. And he is a cute little boy. I wanna hold him more, need a break yet? oh, and only from him. the other boys might be a lil too rough for me. jk :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations Raine!!! I'm glad he's finally here. He looks so cute. I can't wait to see more pictures and I hope everyone is doing well.