Wednesday, September 3, 2008


We decided to go riding for Labor day.We loaded all the bikes the night before and had our snacks and lunch ready to go, so we thought we were ready. Then we headed out Monday morning. It felt like everything kept going wrong that morning. (I don't know what everyone else calls it, but at our house we call it the sharts. I think Levi went through 4 pair of underwear that day, the dog fell out of the truck on the way, and Dusty really felt like someone was testing his patience when we were setting up the screen tent.) It was funny watching Dusty get pissed at that "Damn tent" Haha I thought he was going to start ripping it any second. But fortunately he didn't cause it came in real handy in between rides and for the babies. Nathan, Sam, and Kaylin came with us and so did Dusty's mom and brother.

This is cool grandma Tuckfield in all her get-up.

This is me riding Dusty's bike.

Dust on Levi's bike. But Sam liked this bike the most and I didn't even get a picture! Sorry Sam. Especially when she was "jumping it" Haha

This is Logan sitting on Kaylin and she just giggled the whole time!! Until he bit her. What a naughty baby huh Kaylin. Logan wants to know if you guys are still friends?

Sam and I even got a couple of Yahtzee games in. (Dusty took the picture and he said he especially liked the rooster tail I was sporting!)

Here are my crazy kids! Levi wasn't able to ride his dirt-bike cause it was too rocky for him. So this is how they rode pretty much ALL day.

Here is my HOT babe! I am so glad he's calmed down in the last 8 years. He used to do all kinds of crazy stuff on his bike, now he knows that he's got 4 other people counting on him. And he needs to go to work the next day.

I should have never got on with him! I should know better by now. (But it was kinda fun)

Oh GOOD Logan finally went to sleep. Oh he's awake again. That's how long his nap was.

But he sure had fun in the mud. What a Tuckfield boy!

Here is Nathan and his cute family going on a ride. I love Kaylin's holder???

All in all it was a good day!!


Sopha said...

HA i loved the pics. made me feel sad even more that i missed it. Dusty looks like he has an earring in the pic of you guys bahaa. and the one of logie and kaylin but eating the crib is funny. a lot of the pics were funny actually. haha like of nathan putting kaylin in his shirt and logan playin in the mud--i want that boy..come drop him off for a weekend, seriously! SEE YOU TONIGHT! actually you might read this after our trip!! woo love ya

Anonymous said...

I love your pics and ur daughters name she shares mine and the same spelling.